Category: media


The results of a crowd-sourcing appeal prove that Discovery Channel engaged in fakery.

Jumping the Shark

Misleading claims by Discovery and other channels help to fuel wildlife massacres.

Puppet Show

Amazingly, the BBC seems happy to be exploited by covert corporate lobbyists.

Hidden Interests

The BBC’s disgraceful failure to reveal who its contributors are speaking for.

Storm Warning

The shocking standards of tabloid weather reporting.

Anything to Declare?

Christopher Booker’s undisclosed interests illustrate the need for transparency in journalism.

Imaginary Friends

The weather forecasters used by the Daily Mail and other papers don’t appear to exist.

Unmasking the Press

The corporate newspapers are the elite’s enforcers, misrepresenting the sources of oppression.

Going Naked

This is why I’ve declared my financial interests, and why I believe other journalists should do the same.

Top Dollar

Why is Top Gear, alone among BBC programmes, allowed to keep breaking editorial guidelines?

For How Much Longer Can This Go On?

Christopher Booker is now in even deeper trouble than before: damned in a High Court judgement. Yet still the Sunday Telegraph employs him.

Robot Wars

Online astroturfing is more advanced and more automated than we’d imagined.