Search results for: population consumption

No More Excuses

No one is coming to save us. Only rebellion will prevent an environmental apocalypse

Re: generation

Why older people must stand in solidarity with the youth climate strikes.

In Memoriam

As our wildlife and ecosystems collapse, remembering is a radical act.

Butchery of the Planet

Defending the living world and its people requires a shift from meat to a plant-based diet

Everything Must Go

Economic growth will destroy everything. There’s no way of greening it – we need a new system.

Urge, Splurge, Purge

The demand for perpetual economic growth, and the collective madness it provokes, leads inexorably to environmental collapse

The Hills Are Dead

The terrible legacy of European farm subsidies – and how we could use Brexit as an opportunity for something better

On Bullshit

The hideous pollution case I stumbled on illustrates our failure to see the harm caused by animal farming.

Wiping the World Clean

The Ecomodernists launching their manifesto today propose solutions that are both ignorant and brutal.

Rural Idiocy

The BBC’s coverage of the countryside is a biased, unquestioning, deferential disgrace.

The Dawning

How I caught a glimpse, through the unlikely medium of roadkill, of what lies beneath.

Slim Chance

New evidence suggests that obesity might be incurable. So why does the government propose to punish sufferers?

China Syndrome

We should stop recycling the old “Yellow Peril” myth. The people most hostile to action on climate change are American and British, not Chinese.

Everything Is Connected

The interactions between wildlife and the physical planet are more complex and fascinating than we could ever have imagined.

Plumbing the Depths

A government-backed industrial lobbying campaign is being funded by a stealth tax. It’s an outrage.