The weird, uncanny consistencies of far right politics.
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Nationalise Us
It’s ridiculous that governments leave it to people like me to communicate the need for environmental action.
The Shock of the New
The livestock industry is furiously lobbying to shut down alternatives, and tame politicians are giving it what it wants.
Stir Crazy
Why are peaceful protesters getting longer sentences than violent rioters?
The Instigators
For 14 years, the Conservatives and their friends in the media whipped up racism and Islamophobia. These riots are the result.
Minority Rule
Tax the billionaires or their oppressive power will only grow.
How to Change Everything
An interview with The Ink, about where we are, how we got here and where we need to go.
The Dead-Eyed Rich
The obscene thing I witnessed was like a parable of the madness of extreme wealth.
Breaking the Butterfly
Labour must repeal the laws that led to shockingly disproportionate prison sentences for environmental protesters.
Until the Pips Squeak
Here’s why the government should tax the rich and tax them hard.
Independence from America
The US, always a questionable friend, threatens, if Trump wins, to become our greatest threat.
The Fight Against Oligarchy
Oligarchy is the default state of politics, and it is surging back. How do we stop it?
For the Promotion of Cruelty to Animals
How Britain’s oldest animal welfare charity became a byword for cruelty on an industrial scale.
Nature Abhors a Vacuum
The crucial green policies missing from Labour’s manifesto.
Green Shoots
The Greens are the only party with a chance of winning seats that is not beholden to oligarchic power.
Pantomime Season
An election is a device for maximising conflict and minimising democracy.
Defending Capital from Democracy
By appointing extremists to set the limits of free speech, the government protects powerful interests from challenge.
How to Sell a Child
There’s a new asset class being traded between corporations. It’s called children in care.
The Day That Never Comes
Thanks to neoliberalism, government in the UK feels like one long trick played on the people.
Looking The Other Way
Why do so many people obsess about false conspiracies, but ignore the real ones?