Soil carbon markets are going to collapse. And that’s a good thing.
Category: farming
For the Promotion of Cruelty to Animals
How Britain’s oldest animal welfare charity became a byword for cruelty on an industrial scale.
Moo Woo
What we want to believe and what is true are seldom the same thing.
Dry Run
The mega-droughts in Spain and the US are a portent of a gathering global water crisis.
Outrage Farming
What led the Prime Minister to join a protest against his own government’s policies?
Agrarian Populism
Farmers’ protests are being embraced by the far right. The precedents are chilling.
Bully Beef
The meat industry’s misinformation tactics are even worse than the fossil fuel industry’s.
Toxic chemicals deliberately added to sewage are being spread across a vast area of farmland, with potentially catastrophic effects. We’re suing the government to stop it.
The Cruel Fantasies of Well-Fed People
The astonishing story of how a movement’s quest for rural simplicity drifted into a formula for mass death
What’s Your Poison?
Why do we put up with daily assaults on our health? It has everything to do with corporate power.
All Hat and No Cattle
The spectacular implosion of a popular delusion about livestock farming.
Fantasy Farming
Bucolic fairytales are a threat to life on Earth.
Down the Drain
Sewage pollution by the water companies is just one of the deadly attacks on our rivers.
Claims that cattle ranching sequesters carbon and restores ecosystems have been used in highly effective marketing campaigns by the livestock industry. Just one problem: they’re greenwash.
The Hunger Gap
A gulf in public understanding prevents us from seeing how and why our food supply is at risk.
How to Build a Bioweapon
There’s a legal means of creating a pandemic that could kill millions.
So What Would You Do?
Those who dismiss this solution to the greatest threat to Earth systems have a duty to propose a better one. So where is it?
Silence of the Lambs
Livestock farming is responsible for more greenhouse gas pollution than all the world’s transport. Yet governments won’t touch it.
The Coming Hunger
As environmental breakdown threatens to render large parts of the planet unfarmable, how can mass starvation best be averted?
Unholy Cow
The world’s most damaging farm products? Organic pasture-fed beef and lamb.