Search results for: soil loss

Level Down

The living world is being hit by everything at once: the only way to stop our full-spectrum assault on Earth systems is to reduce our economic activity.

Saving Our Bacon

Farmfree foods might be the only thing that gets us – and much of the rest of the living world – through this century.

Crisis? What Crisis?

The government’s refusal to respond to our democratic emergency is one symptom of systemic political failure

Eating the Earth

A rough transcript of my speech at the Oxford Farmers’ Conference debate, on the motion “This House Believes Eating Meat Will Be A Thing of the Past by 2100”

Everything Must Go

Economic growth will destroy everything. There’s no way of greening it – we need a new system.


The scale and speed of environmental collapse is beyond imagination.

Unlucky Number

We face (at least) 13 major crises, some of which are immediate. It’s time for some hard thinking about how we confront them.

Danger Mice

Beware of politicians making themselves look big by inflating security threats

Code of Silence

Almost all the issues worth debating are left unmentioned in this election.

Ploughing On Regardless

Almost all other issues are superficial by comparison to soil loss. So why don’t we talk about it?

The Biogas Disaster

How the perverse consequences of a great idea are destroying the natural world.

Chemicals Warfare

Outside the European Union, the UK is becoming a dumping ground for toxic substances.

Dry Run

The mega-droughts in Spain and the US are a portent of a gathering global water crisis.

The Flickering

Earth systems are being rushed towards their tipping points by governments that offer us nothing but chaos.


Claims that cattle ranching sequesters carbon and restores ecosystems have been used in highly effective marketing campaigns by the livestock industry. Just one problem: they’re greenwash.

The Hunger Gap

A gulf in public understanding prevents us from seeing how and why our food supply is at risk.