Author: george

Storm Warning

The shocking standards of tabloid weather reporting.

Moral Failings

How moral psychology has been used to create a new and toxic political myth.

Captive Animals

How Natural England became the servant of the landed classes.

The Resurgent Aristocracy

Rural policy is once again the preserve of the elite, and wildlife and people suffer as a result.

The Estate We’re In

Thanks to an aristocratic minister, state spending is being used to support pheasant shoots and destroy birds of prey.

Bonfire of Promises

The government’s new energy bill puts a match to its climate change commitments.

See No Evil

How did genocide denial become a doctrine of the internationalist left?

Kin Hell

The history of family life has been wildly misrepresented by conservatives.

Paper Parks

The UK’s marine reserves offer no meaningful protection to the life of the sea.

Blotting Out the Past

This is my reply to a former colonial official denying British atrocities in Kenya

Dark Hearts

We British have a peculiar ability to blot out our colonial history.

The Keys to the Blood Bank

The Conservative minister charged with protecting wildlife is making a packet as a result of weak wildlife protection laws.