Category: climate breakdown

This Is About Us

The talks at Copenhagen are not just about climate change. They represent a battle to redefine humanity.

Case Studies

Here’s the evidence for the contentions in The Real Climate Scandal

The Knights Carbonic

Yes, the hacked climate emails are damaging. But here’s the one you’d need to see if you wanted to show that manmade global warming is a scam.

Death Denial

Why the sudden surge in climate change denial? Could it be about something else altogether?

Not Even Wrong

We need a radical new approach to cutting greenhouse gases, and it might have arrived.

Stop Building Tanks

Let’s divert the money spent on arms to addressing the real strategic threat.

Crash Landing

As BA reports massive losses, isn’t it time to scrap the airport expansion programme?

An Attack of the Bellamoids

James Lovelock says the government’s enthusiasm for wind farms approaches fascism. What is he on about?