Category: economic justice

Paid-up Members

How can MPs represent us when they earn up to 95% of their income from outside interests?

The Philosophy of Cant

Europe wrecked the world trade talks, but it may accidentally have forced the poor world to assert its power. Final installment of the series on trade.

Whose Side Are You On?

Some of those calling for changes in the way we trade are working against the interests of the poor. This is the second of a three-part series on trade.

Le Monde, C’est Nous

At the world trade summit next week, the rich world will ensure that the poor world stays that way. This is the first of a three-part series on trade

Stealing Nations

The International Monetary Fund does not make its “mistakes” by accident.

Enslaved by Free Trade

The West became rich by ignoring patent rules and protecting its industries. Poor countries should be allowed to do the same.

Rich in Imagination

The figures which purport to show that the world’s poor are emerging from poverty don’t add up

Left Behind to Starve

A humanitarian disaster is engulfing Africa as cash is poured into the war with Iraq and its aftermath

White Lies

African leaders will be forced to humble themselves at the G8 summit, by taking the blame for what has happened to their continent