Category: environment and the natural world

Green Grave

The environment succumbs to Labour’s cynical realpolitik

Green Sell-Outs

Conservation is becoming one of the greatest threats to the global environment.

The Jaws of Victory

Review of: The River Stops Here: How One Man’s Battle to Save His Valley Changed the Fate of California. Ted Simon, Random House, New York.

Murder in the Amazon

Nearly all the mahogany leaving Brazil has been taken, illegally, from protected reserves

Toxic Shock

The Government’s official position is that we should pour our hazardous waste down the drain.

Hero or Villain?

Richard Leakey’s reappointment as head of the Kenya Wildlife Service is a disaster for Kenya’s nomads

Collateral Damage

Local people are the real victims of the turf war between the conservation authorities in Kenya

Death in Your Living Room

The only people who can prevent the invasion of Indian reserves in Brazil and British and American consumers

Dirty Dealings

A disastrous conflict of interest ensures that the government won’t stop oil pollution