Our journalists bear as much responsibility for the misinformation about Iraq as the intelligence agencies.
Category: war – iraq
The Bones of the Saint
Remarks at the launch of Scott Lucas’s book The Betrayal of Dissent
A Charter to Intervene
We need new international laws to tell us whether or not force is justified.
Extreme Measures
We can’t rely on the Establishment to topple Tony Blair: we must do it ourselves.
The Moral Myth
Superpowers act out of self-interest, not morality.
Dreamers and Idiots
Bush and Blair did everything necessary to prevent the outbreak of peace
Tony Blair’s New Friend
He made the moral case for war – but backs a dictator who boils prisoners to death
Beware the Bluewash
The UN should not become the dustbin for America’s failed adventures
America Is a Religion
There is no more dangerous notion than that of America the Divine
Blair’s Grand Mistake
The war crimes case in Belgium illustrates the folly of Blair’s belief that the US is interested in justice
Chemical hypocrites
The US is preparing to use banned weapons in Iraq
No Way Out
Every likely outcome of this war is a disaster
One Rule for Them …
Does the US support the Geneva Convention or doesn’t it?
Left Behind to Starve
A humanitarian disaster is engulfing Africa as cash is poured into the war with Iraq and its aftermath
A Wilful Blindness
Those who support the coming war with Iraq refuse to see that it has anything to do with US global domination.
The Time for Talking Is Over
We must oppose this war as we have never opposed one before
See You In Court
Taking the government to court may be the only means of holding Britain and the US to account for their plans to invade Iraq
In the Crocodile’s Mouth
Blair is appeasing Bush partly in order to get a share of the world’s diminishing supplies of oil
Thwart Mode
For the past eight years, the US has undermined disarmament in Iraq
The Logic of Empire
The United States is now our foremost enemy. We must begin to treat it as such.