While millions starve, crops are used to feed cars. It’s obscene.
Search results for: biodiesel
The Smog Chancellor
Who is the world’s leading environmental vandal? The answer may surprise you.
Punishment Posting
Want to cast someone into the outer darkness? Then give them the environment department, that should be the most important portfolio of all.
The Biogas Disaster
How the perverse consequences of a great idea are destroying the natural world.
Hunger Games
The rich world is causing the famines it claims to be preventing.
The Pleasures of the Flesh
If you care about hunger, eat less meat.
An Agricultural Crime Against Humanity
Biofuels could kill more people than the Iraq war.
A Lethal Solution
We need a five-year freeze on biofuels, before they wreck the planet.
Just a Lot of Hot Air
An audit of the government’s planned carbon cuts shows they will achieve only half of what it claims.
Not Enough Fish in the Sea
Not Enough Fish in the Sea We need omega-3 oils for our brains to function properly. But where will they come from?
Worse Than Fossil Fuel
Biodiesel enthusiasts have accidentally invented the most carbon-intensive fuel on earth
Feeding Cars, Not People
The adoption of biofuels would be a humanitarian and environmental disaster
Losing the Battle with Entropy
Without cheap oil, the only safe option is to start dismantling our complex economies
The Bottom of the Barrel
Oil is running out, but no one wants to talk about it.