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Bleeding Out

Thanks to systemic and deliberate underfunding, NHS Emergency departments are now a vision of hell.

Burning Shame

Woodburning stoves are a beguiling but disastrous mistake.

Protection Racket

The more destructive the business, the more likely it is to enjoy political protection.

Fermenting a revolution

I believe this is the most important environmental technology ever developed. It might be all that now stands between us and Earth systems collapse.

How About Never?

Powerful governments have no intention of preventing climate breakdown.

Silence of the Lambs

Livestock farming is responsible for more greenhouse gas pollution than all the world’s transport. Yet governments won’t touch it.

Our Path

Because Twitter threads aren’t working at the moment (thanks Elon!), I’m republishing a chain of tweets about how we should rise to the challenge of democratic collapse.

Cliff Edge

Here’s how it happened before – a mass extinction caused by fossil fuel burning. It will happen again unless we step back from the precipice.

The Oligarch’s Oligarch

Just as we need to get the money out of politics, we have been gifted a Prime Minister who represents the ultra-rich.

The Art of Life

Why is life treated as less valuable than the depiction of life?

Malignant Growth

An obsession with economic growth is driving us towards catastrophe.

Thinktanking the Country

The BBC’s promotion of dark-money lobby groups no longer looks like an accident. It looks like a policy.

The Sacking of Britain

Liz Truss’s destruction of the fabric of our nation is not an accident. It’s the design.

The Undead

Liz Truss promises to double down on policies that have been completely discredited.

The Coming Hunger

As environmental breakdown threatens to render large parts of the planet unfarmable, how can mass starvation best be averted?

The Workaround

Without public consultation, the boundaries of freeports have been expanded to cover much of the country. What does this mean?

Unholy Cow

The world’s most damaging farm products? Organic pasture-fed beef and lamb.

Absent Minded

To this government, the duty of care is an abomination.


Low Traffic Neighbourhoods transform people’s lives and rebuild community. Resist the angry men trying to destroy them.