The decision to build a road takes place before the public inquiry begins
Latest posts
The Collapsing Tower of Babel
Language barriers are good, not bad, and their loss is a disaster for hundreds of millions of people
Beloved Country
South Africa has embarked on a brave and hazardous land reform programme
Get Off My Planet
Britain’s landlords are trespassing against our right to enjoy the countryside
The Vain Pursuit of the Exotic
Tourism extracts the differences between ourselves and other people
Britain’s Cultural Cleansing
Our treatment of gypsies and travellers reveals Little England at its worst: mean-spirited, vindictive and narrow-minded.
Inheriting The Wind
Review of Slide Mountain, or The Folly of Owning Nature, by Theodore Steinberg
The Shrinking of Science
Reductionism is making science ever less relevant to our lives.
A Land Reform Manifesto
A new campaign is born
The Jaws of Victory
Review of: The River Stops Here: How One Man’s Battle to Save His Valley Changed the Fate of California. Ted Simon, Random House, New York.
Monotonous Monopoly
The superstores are changing the world to suit themselves
The Church Must Take Sides
Britain needs a liberation theology movement
If Not Now, When?
There are no excuses for not joining the protest against the Newbury bypass
Dispossessed without trace
The Brazilian press and political system is ignoring a wholesale theft of land and the murder of its people
Toxic Shock
The Government’s official position is that we should pour our hazardous waste down the drain.
Murder in the Amazon
Nearly all the mahogany leaving Brazil has been taken, illegally, from protected reserves
Subversive Genius
Roads protesters are bringing art and necessity back together, sowing the seeds of cultural renewal
The Scattering of the Dead
A disastrous project funded by the Canadian Government is destituting an African people
The Maasai and the Mercedes Men
A fraudulent privatisation project is reducing the Maasai to little more than tourist dancers
Back to 1662
The Government’s repressive new laws contain eerie similarities to statutes passed hundreds of years ago