Britain’s direct action movements have become a force for cultural and even economic renewal
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The Mailed Fist of the Free Market
Superstores are destroying the local economy
Publish and Be Damned
Britain’s libel laws allow the rich and powerful to silence the excluded
Communist Pigs vs Capitalist Pigs
Only by killing all of Haiti’s pigs could the US force its people to abandon their self-sufficiency
Mad Farm Disease
BSE is just one symptom of the insanity governing British agricultural policy
You don’t give us the Earth, we’ll take it.
The direct action movement is putting the passion back into politics
Grubbing Out the Past
Britain’s archaeology is being obliterated – often with the help of archaeologists – yet hardly anyone seems to care
Seize It Back
Many of the world’s most pressing problems arise from the enclosure of land.
We Aren’t Robots
The extraordinary work of the neurobiologist Antonio Damasio shows that wisdom is inextricable from emotion
It’s Happening
Just as we tried to ignore Germany’s preparations for war, now we refuse to acknowledge the impending global catastrophe
Blind Faith And Science
Genetic engineering will transfer power from the poor to the rich
The Land Where We Belong
Land use in Britain will always work against us, until we demand control over the decisions which govern it
Greens Must Be Whiter Than White
We’re in danger of succumbing to the cynical politics of advertising
Whose Nation, Whose Trust?
The National Trust must lose its attachment to aristocratic values
Resign, you Prince of Darkness
The Duke of Edinburgh, currently president of the WWF, is an environmental disaster area
The Bulldozer of State
The decision to build a road takes place before the public inquiry begins
The Collapsing Tower of Babel
Language barriers are good, not bad, and their loss is a disaster for hundreds of millions of people
Beloved Country
South Africa has embarked on a brave and hazardous land reform programme
Get Off My Planet
Britain’s landlords are trespassing against our right to enjoy the countryside
The Vain Pursuit of the Exotic
Tourism extracts the differences between ourselves and other people