Author: monbiot

Terrorism or Heroism?

If you join foreign conflicts you’re prosecuted as a terrorist, however just your cause.

Bring It On

Did an undercover policeman help to instigate a major riot?

Dredged Up

Never mind the evidence, we’ll do something eye-catching.

Drowning in Money

The hidden and remarkable story of why devastating floods keep happening.

Dead Zone

A shocking new bill threatens to make this country feel like a giant shopping mall.

Cold Comfort

In which the author recounts a chilling and idiotic brush with death.


A winter’s tale of guns, gold and greed.

Power Crazed

Why do we transfer the real health risks inflicted by coal onto nuclear energy?

Puppet Show

Amazingly, the BBC seems happy to be exploited by covert corporate lobbyists.

Hidden Interests

The BBC’s disgraceful failure to reveal who its contributors are speaking for.

Plumbing the Depths

A government-backed industrial lobbying campaign is being funded by a stealth tax. It’s an outrage.

Double Erasure

A shocking case of denial highlights the problem that Catholics – and Pope Francis – have with history.