The great political question of our age is what to do about corporate power. It’s time we answered it.
Category: corporate power
A Gunpowder Plot Against Democracy
This bill of rights for corporations will blow up the sovereignty of parliaments
The Toll-Booth Economy
Corporate power is the real enemy within, but none of the major parties will confront it.
Land of Impunity
Politicians and government contractors now seem to be able to get away with almost anything.
Loved to Death
By embracing their critics and colonising governments, corporations engineer a world of conformity and consumerism.
All Give and No Take
Do those negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership have any interest in democracy? Here’s a test.
Puppet Show
Amazingly, the BBC seems happy to be exploited by covert corporate lobbyists.
“Managing Transparency”
Politicians and officials are desperately seeking to justify their transatlantic assault on democracy.
Hidden Interests
The BBC’s disgraceful failure to reveal who its contributors are speaking for.
Why Politics Fails
Nothing will change until we confront the real sources of power.
A Global Ban on Left-Wing Politics
That’s what the new rules being smuggled into trade agreements are delivering.
Apple Turnover
Apple offers 21st Century technology – with 19th Century ethics.
Smoking Gun
Who killed the plan for cigarettes to be sold only in plain packets?
Corporate Carve-Up
Under the pretext of preventing hunger, the rich nations are engineering a new scramble for Africa.
A Capitalist Command Economy
Forcing schools into the hands of unelected oligarchs is the latest contradiction of everything the market fetishists claim to stand for.
Secrets of the Rich
Billionaires are hiding behind a network of “independent” groups, who manipulate politics on their behalf.
Money Spinners
Here’s how we can defeat political corruption of the kind that’s destroying US democracy.
Plutocracy’s Boot Boys
We’re getting a better idea of how billionaires and corporations capture government policy.
Scorched Earth Economics
Why have the Year Zero policies of neoliberalism not been abandoned?
A Monstrous Proposal
Why the private sector should be subject to freedom of information laws.