Category: environment and the natural world

The Sacking of Britain

Liz Truss’s destruction of the fabric of our nation is not an accident. It’s the design.

Willing the End

On both sides of the Atlantic, powerful interests seem determined to trigger the collapse of life on Earth. Why?

Shit Creek

New revelations show how one of the most treasured rivers in Europe is being killed by intensive livestock farms.

Pirates of the North Sea

The government’s attempt to hide a toxic waste disaster heralds a new bonanza for organised crime.

Muckraking Journalism

When sewage treatment goes right, it’s just as harmful as when it goes wrong. Here are the shocking reasons why.

Carbon Colonialism

Predatory corporations are making a mockery of natural climate solutions, as they grab land and bamboozle the public.

Holey Ghosts

Powerful evidence suggests that fishing fleets are deliberately dumping their used nets and lines at sea, threatening the complete collapse of marine ecosystems.

What a Carve Up

Border walls are as harmful to ecology as they are to humanity.

Cleaning Up

Thanks to disgraceful government failures, an illegal waste-dumping mafia is now burning and burying millions of tonnes of dangerous materials.

Level Down

The living world is being hit by everything at once: the only way to stop our full-spectrum assault on Earth systems is to reduce our economic activity.

Noble Rot

Protecting the natural world means creating tomorrow’s ancient habitats.


Our team uncovers the remarkable, but scarcely understood, truth about river pollution.

This Stinks

Our rivers and seas are being transformed into open sewers by greedy business and useless governments.

Sea Change

At last people are waking up to the fishing industry’s devastating impacts.

The Tyranny of Hope

World summits and politicians’ promises are not taking us closer to environmental salvation, but further away.

Watery Grave

Across the UK, our rivers are being turned into filthy, dead gutters, at astonishing, heartbreaking speed.


The great majority of people do not want to return to business-as-usual after the pandemic, but our governments are determined to make us do so.

Road to Perdition

How did wildlife groups start collaborating in the destruction of nature?

The Extinguishing of Joy

The boats supplying the fish we eat are killing dolphins so fast that they are heading towards extinction.


Despite growing awareness, our government still allows landowners to help flood the homes of people living downstream.