The hidden and remarkable story of why devastating floods keep happening.
Category: farming
Wrong About Being Wrong
The argument seems, once more, decisively to favour veganism.
The Landed Mafia
It’s time we confronted the National Farmers’ Union and the millionaires it works for.
Robber Barons
Why do we ignore the most blatant transfer of money from the poor to the rich?
Agricultural Hegemony
Why do farmers’ groups indulge in such ridiculous scaremongering about the restoration of the natural world?
How Britain has been shagged by the white plague.
The Fat of the Land
Robbing the poor, trashing the natural world: Europe’s farm subsidies are an obscenity.
Big Farmer
The poorest taxpayers are subsidising the richest people in Europe: and this spending will remain uncut until at least 2020.
Spreading the White Plague
The governments of both the UK and Wales could almost be trying to turn bovine TB into a pandemic.
Strong Meat
A new book has forced me to reconsider my views on food.
Towering Lunacy
Green enthusiasm for vertical farms shows that no one is untouched by magical thinking.
The War Against Nature Resumes
As the new badger cull shows, we revert to irrational destruction as soon as our economic interests are threatened.
If Nothing Else, Save Farming
It’s probably too late to prepare for peak oil, but we can at least try to salvage food production.
Small Is Bountiful
Peasant farmers offer the best chance of feeding the world. So why do we treat them with contempt?
The Corporate Begging Bowl
They bleat about the free market, then insist that we subsidise them.
Are You Paying to Burn the Rainforest?
If you’re buying Brazilian beef, the answer is yes
Fallen Fruit
An insane European ruling will be the final straw for the English apple
Blair Trashes Africa
Tony Blair has just ensured that Europe and the US continue to promote famine.
Angel of Death
Britain’s development secretary is helping to destroy the lives of 20 million people.
That’s the Horror of Haskins
The junk food king says one thing and does another