Category: foreign affairs

Blair Trashes Africa

Tony Blair has just ensured that Europe and the US continue to promote famine.

Don’t Cry for Clare

Short’s career as a licensed rebel casts light on our post-oppositional, post-modern politics

A War of Terror

The men who claim to be fighting “evil” on behalf of “good” are also funding one of the world’s dirtiest wars

Our Racist Demonology

Robert Mugabe is portrayed as the prince of darkness, but when whites expel black people from their lands, nobody gives a damn.

The Logic of Empire

The United States is now our foremost enemy. We must begin to treat it as such.

Moral Flight

Bush and Blair, who made so much of their “leadership” when there was a war to be fought, are nowhere to be seen when peace is needed.

Hell’s Grannies

British women are using themselves as human shields in Israel, and they put the rest of us to shame

Reservoir of Sleaze

The British Government is underwriting Turkey’s ethnic cleansing programme.

Human Sacrifice

West Papua, in Indonesia, is being surrended for the sake of geopolitics

Beloved Country

South Africa has embarked on a brave and hazardous land reform programme

Dispossessed without trace

The Brazilian press and political system is ignoring a wholesale theft of land and the murder of its people