Category: globalisation


Who do Bono and the ONE campaign really represent: the very poor or the very rich?

Corporate Carve-Up

Under the pretext of preventing hunger, the rich nations are engineering a new scramble for Africa.

Clearing Up This Mess

John Maynard Keynes had the answer to the crisis we’re now facing; but it was blocked and then forgotten.

Protect and Survive

Peter Mandelson is bullying the world’s poorest nations into following a development route that can’t work.

Manufactured Famine

A new wave of food colonialism is snatching food from the mouths of the poor.

Breast Beating

The G8 has the interests of the rest of the world at heart – until they conflict with its own.

Bards of the Powerful

Far from challenging the G8’s role in Africa’s poverty, Geldof and Bono are legitimising its power.

A Game of Double Bluff

The UK and EU are keeping the poorer nations exactly where they want them: beholden to their patrons