Category: politics

This Is About Us

The talks at Copenhagen are not just about climate change. They represent a battle to redefine humanity.

Outsourcing Unrest

The 300 year colonial adventure is over at last, which is why Britain is in political crisis.

Watch Out World!

My video interview with Hazel Blears gives us a glimpse of what might be coming if she seeks to replace Gordon Brown

Someone Else’s England

You don’t have to be a nationalist, or English, to accept the case for an English parliament.

From the Bottom Up

A new mobilisation could revitalise politics in the UK – but only if you get involved.


This is how a government elected to stamp out sleaze became worse than its predecessor.

Nothing Left to Fight For

The most rightwing government Britain has had since the Second World War does not deserve to be re-elected.

Union With the Devil

The trade unions still rage about the class war, but keep funding their class enemies.