Category: politics

From the Bottom Up

A new mobilisation could revitalise politics in the UK – but only if you get involved.


This is how a government elected to stamp out sleaze became worse than its predecessor.

Nothing Left to Fight For

The most rightwing government Britain has had since the Second World War does not deserve to be re-elected.

Union With the Devil

The trade unions still rage about the class war, but keep funding their class enemies.

How to Stop Civil War

Nicaragua and South Africa, not the US, should be the inspiration for Iraq’s constitution.

Burnt Out

Kenneth Clarke’s work for British American Tobacco should disqualify him from office.

Paid-up Members

How can MPs represent us when they earn up to 95% of their income from outside interests?

The Bad or the Terrible

Those who insist that Nader supporters should vote for Kerry are holding back US democratisation.