The oil companies have successfully transferred blame for their actions to us. It is time to fight back.
Category: protest
History will be kind to the protesters who plan to stop flights at Heathrow airport. They are climate heroes.
No More Excuses
No one is coming to save us. Only rebellion will prevent an environmental apocalypse
First Strike
Drawing on the successes and failures of the past, we must help young climate strikers to win their existential struggle
Re: generation
Why older people must stand in solidarity with the youth climate strikes.
Bring It On
Did an undercover policeman help to instigate a major riot?
The Wrong State
The police spy scandal shows that mass surveillance will be used against us.
A Great Corporate Cock-up
Take a ringside seat as a giant company beats the living daylights out of itself.
Corporate Blowback
Companies like EDF, seeking to terrify protesters with lawsuits, are likely to become victims of their own aggression.
The Promised Land
This is the fate of young people today: excluded, but forbidden to opt out.
The Freedom Swindle
The government promised us the right to peaceful protest. It is delivering nothing of the kind.
What We Are For
The movements opposing the British government need a set of aims: here’s my attempt at a first draft.
The Barbarians at the Gate
Why has policing in Britain gone so mad?
Printing Police Lies
The rightwing press has briefly turned against the police, but normal service will soon resume.
From the Bottom Up
A new mobilisation could revitalise politics in the UK – but only if you get involved.
The Paranoia Squad
A British police unit is demonising peaceful protesters to stay in business.
Identity Politics in Climate Change Hell
Do you want to save the biosphere or boost your own brand of politics? You can’t do both.
A Likely Story
As the evidence accumulates, the Evening Standard’s allegations of terrorist planning have fallen apart.
Beneath the Pall of Misery, a New Movement Is Born
The climate camp at Heathrow is materially different from protests that have taken place in Britain before.
Attack of the Baby Eaters
The press has been publishing a series of crazy scare stories about our intentions at the climate camp