Is music an answer to the epidemic of loneliness?
Category: culture
All Change
An ability to contest the circumstances of our birth is an essential element of our humanity.
Human Kind
Fascinating new lines of research suggest that we are good people, tolerating bad things.
The Dawning
How I caught a glimpse, through the unlikely medium of roadkill, of what lies beneath.
The Abuses of Enchantment
The cruelties of factory farming shelter behind a fairytale image, promoted by advertisers and children’s authors.
Ringbarking the Tree of Life
The destruction of cultural treasures by ISIS has parallels in ecological cleansing around the world.
Lost in the 21st Century
Consumerism has broken its promise. Perhaps now we can begin to reconnect.
A Small and Shuffling Life
Why, in this age of freedom, are we so confined? And what can we do to reclaim our lives?
Geriatric Delinquents
How my friend’s grandfather went rogue – my second winter’s tale for the festive season.
Civilisation is Boring
We are pre-tuned to the natural world; wired to respond to nature.
Cat Flap in Paris
The mythical tiger pursued by helicopters and armed gendarmes speaks volumes about what is missing from our lives.
Better Dead Than Different
Our visions of the future are defined, like the film Interstellar, by technological optimism and political defeatism
“Cleansing the Stock”
How our governments now talk about human beings.
Falling Apart
Competition and individualism are forcing us into a devastating Age of Loneliness
The British Thermopylae
And the case for reintroducing big cats. A weird and wonderful tale.
Deviant and Proud
Do you feel left out? Perhaps it’s because you refuse to succumb to the competition, envy and fear neoliberalism breeds
An Ounce of Hope is Worth a Ton of Despair
We cannot reach people by terrifying them; there has to be a positive agenda.
The Values Ratchet
How to ensure that nations slide ever further into selfishness, and ever further to the right.
Destroyer of Worlds
New research suggests there was no state of grace: for two million years humankind has been the natural world’s nemesis.
Addicted to Comfort
Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chainstores.